Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Gardening With Z

Amazing! That is what you must be thinking about me gardening with a 8 month old. Well, you're right. I am AMAZING. But, gardening (or anything else) with a baby is really easy if you want to make it work. When I first had Z, I thought I would never get to do anything. Seriously, ANYTHING. However, as we go on as parents, K and I have enjoyed coming up with new ways to do what needs to be done and what we want to do while including Z. Drunken crazed binges are not what I had in mind boozers! Sheesh. You guys need help.
In all seriousness though, it is really easy to become overwhelmed by your new little house guest and not allow yourself to venture out. Z hated the car. He screamed bloody murder mary all the way to anywhere for the first 6 months of life. Talk about feeling trapped. Talk about a driving hazard. But the more frequent our trips, the less he cried. And now we have a great time in the car. I sing, he babbles.
Venturing out does not have to include a car ride though. If its not raining and you have an infant, strap on the baby carrier and head out doors. Sweep the porch. Rake some leaves. Pull a weed. Plant a flower. Feed the birds. They love it. So much to take in with their inquisitive little eyes.

Watch how we roll.

Z is in the Ergo Carrier. A better carrier for your back. Hence the name.

Remember: Safety first. Those are sensitive ears.

Put a Corgi on the job of babysitting while you get stuff done.

Z is very surprised at the amount of trim the Rhododendron is getting here. And yes people we know it isn't the time of year to cut back your Rhodies but we HATE this particular bush.

Not sure how things will be when Z no longer enjoys being worn. But for now we are lovin' life. 
Happy Gardening (or whatever)!

Listening to: Rainier Maria, Past Worn Searching

1 comment:

  1. 1. I can't believe Z is 8 months old!
    2. These are really darling pics. Can't wait for more! I will have to show Justin Z's motorcycle shirt now.

