Wednesday, June 6, 2012

B & E

It all started yesterday. K was throwing a ball at me to make Z laugh. I obviously was not a fan and attempted to go in our room and lock the door. I turn the little lock in the door knob, but the door still opened from the inside and I said "guess our door doesn't lock?" K said "that's probably a good thing!"
This morning, in an attempt to make the hall a little darker outside of Z's room (for nap purposes) I shut all the doors. Including our bedroom. Instinctively, I immediately try and open it. It's like I knew that I just pulled a fast one on myself. Like the intellectual Me was again one-upping the spacey Me. This happens quite often. End result. Locked out of our bedroom.
This wouldn't normally be a big deal. But, today I had big plans. Get Z down for a nap. Shower. Dress. Start the day when he gets up. Which would be more productive than yesterday when I watched not one but two movies.
So, yeah. Locked out. I go to text K and ask if there is a key. No phone. Locked in the room. OK. I email K. Then chat my friend and ask her to text K. K responds by email and asks if I tried the window. "Yes." Then he asks if I tried a credit card. "No!" I thought this was a myth. Just something for television.You probably already knew this BUT its the real deal! I of course got no where with the card, due to my lack of faith in the process. But K came home for lunch and jimmied the fortress open using that little piece of debt accruing plastic like it was his bidness! In my mind, this opened a Pandora's Box of questions as to why K knows how to get into locked rooms using credit cards. I have seen a new side to my guy. The breaking and entering getting ten to fifteen side. I would totes stick by him while he served his time.

Can we go back to yesterday? Not the part about how my family thinks its hilarious to throw balls at me. The part when I watched two movies! This may not seem like that big of a deal to you slackers but I only watch movies during the day if I am sick or snowed in. I was neither. It was a fine day to be productive. I blame Netflix. As I was surfing the Instant Watch I stumbled upon:


I highly recommend randomly watching movies during the day! It was quite enjoyable. And no one was here to see how many times I cry during Practical Magic (well Z was here, but he was mainly napping during mommy movie marathon). 

Enjoy a movie clip on me!


  1. 10 to 15? If I'm lucky...

  2. Sounds like K could teach the person that broke the pig's ear a thing or two.
