Sunday, November 11, 2012

Open a Book and Out Comes...

a little sign from God or the Universe if you will. I believe them to be one and the same. But this is not a post about my theological ideas nor yours. Just a post about when cool stuff happens.

So it all started when I went to the bookcase to grab the Good Word to read to Z tonight. I thought after a week of Grimm Fairytales and Beatrix Potter he deserved some of the Good News. Now it could be debated that all three collections have an equal amount of negativity, weirdness and violence. However, only one of them was calling to me tonight.

I put Z in his crib with his stuffies, blankies and binkies (yes, multiple binks. DON'T JUDGE). I kissed him and sat down to start reading. I opened my bible (which has not been opened in years) and out fell a card. The card is from a friend who moved away a few years ago. The card read:
No amount of thank you's can ever make up for the joy I have had in being a part of your life. The experience has been truly nurturing on my soul. I wish you all the best in your life. You are and shall always remain my favorite.
I am not going to spill my guts about the things I have been struggling with the last few days but I needed to hear these exact words today.  Now, I am sure I remember getting this card but I cannot remember appreciating these words more than that moment. I read it aloud to Z. And started to thumb through the bible again with no real destination and found two photos and a folded piece of construction paper.

The pics were of a girl I counseled at a group home I worked for. She was 12 when I met her and 13 when I left the job. She had been abused and broken. I used to read to her every night till she fell asleep and then go home and cry because her story broke my heart. Totally forgot she gave me photos. Next, I open the paper. It was a letter from the girls at the home that they sent to me shortly after I quit. It read:
Lena We Miss You :( Come back to ussss! 
And they all had signed it. And there was a drawing of me done by one of the clients. Very flattering!

Ok so back to reading right? Well almost. There was one last little gift or sign or random thing stuck in a book if you will. This one was the cake topper!

I have only ever been to two funerals. I am not the kind of person you want at your funeral. I am an 8.0 or higher earthquake of emotion most of the time so you REALLY do not want to see me after a death. I attended the funeral of one of my favorite customers that patroned the coffee shop I used to work at. Darlene would come in everyday for a cup of coffee and a wally biscotti. She listened to all of our "problems" and gave sound advice. She was always there when we needed someone to talk to. She laughed all the time and sometimes cried with us. We were young confused  20 somethings and she an experienced wise lady. Darlene is one of my favorite people. At her funeral in the programs they put different quotes on cards. I got this one:

You must agree that was a really cool pile of memories that fell out of my bible unexpectedly. I wish ya'll a cool happening the next time you need one!

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