Menu went as follows:
Monday- Shrimp with Chicken Sausage and Grits (ya'll gotta try it)
Tuesday- K had a meeting so I ate leftover Shrimp and Sausage
Wednesday- Pork Tenderloin with Orange Glaze, Wild Rice and Asparagus
Thursday- Fried Chicken and Edamame Succotash (crazy yum)
Friday- Papa Murphy's that friends brought over for what was one of the funniest nights of my life. Our laughter kept waking Z. I was snorting and getting jaw cramps. Very inappropriate jokes, each one topping the other in shock value. It was lovely.
Saturday- Fetuccine with Shrimp and Veggies
Sunday- Smoked Salmon on crackers with Veggie Snacks (this is one of our favorite meals, no cooking required)
We enjoyed all of it except the grits. I need to ask Gma for help with those. But everything else I would have again. Especially the taco pizza from Papa Murphy's!
Just for fun I have to share a cute adorable something with you.
Z's Gma, K's Ma bought Z this jacket. I am pretty sure I will have him in this all summer despite the furry lining and 80 degree weather. It is one of the items I wish we had in every size from now to 18 years, but alas...
Hope Ya'll had a great Monday. Tonight I am listening to: